Traditional Electives

Diversify your clinical experiences and travel the world

Traditional Electives

A list of in-person elective programs for International Medical Students

For eligibility and application use this tool

Harvard Medical School Virtual Elective

Exchange Clerkship Program

Learn more about these electives here

Learn more about this Medical Journalism opportunity here and here

columbia university SOM Virtual Elective

Visiting International Students Program

Learn more about these electives here

*Only allow accredited institutes

Learn more about this elective here

Case western reserve University Medical School

Case Western Reserve-University Hospital

Learn more about these electives here

*Contact the med student office ([email protected]) if your school is not LCME or COCA accredited

yale school of medicine virtual elective

Visiting International Student Program

Learn more about these opportunities here

Electives Application Tool

Click below

AAMC Electives Compendium Tool

It includes contact information of school's electives office and general admission requirements for visiting students

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At a Glance

Growing Need and Importance of Virtual Experiences*


Zoom Visits


Telehealth Demand


Telehealth Initiatives


Telehealth Courses

*Numbers are an approximate estimate from various sources

What Physicians and Medical Students Say About Virtual Electives

Engaging with the media reaps educational benefits for physicians as well. I do not plan to become a health journalist, but I am struck by how much I learned during my media immersion. I have a greater understanding of how health news is made, and I am more credible when I counsel patients who have questions about health topics they read online or saw on TV.

As a future forensic pathologist, I will be responsible for rendering diagnoses to clinical colleagues. I will also be called upon to speak with deceased patients’ family members, knowing that the information I provide may help them heal. That’s why honing my communication skills so that I can share important medical information in a manner that everyone can easily comprehend is so important to me.

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