Program Name:
Internal Medicine Sub-specialty Clinical Rotation
Program Code:
Clinical Rotation Type: In-person
Virtual Rotation Type: Observership and Elective
Clinical Setting: Medical Clinic
Department: Infectious Disease
- Program Description:
Infectious Diseases remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality. In addition, new organisms have been emerging (SARS, MERS, COVID 19). This requires a broad range of knowledge for physicians practicing clinical infectious diseases. The purpose of this is to broadly train our students and medical graduates to treat and manage patients with infectious diseases in a changing world. The accepted candidates will serve as an integral part of the clinical teams in the hospital or outpatient setting. Students observe, assist or perform a spectrum of clinical activities such as taking patient history, writing patients notes, performing patient education, participating in the management team, and forming the patient plan in regards to necessary blood tests, imaging, diet, activities, therapy, and education. All of these activities will be under the strict supervision of the attending physician and organized in-person maintaining patient confidentiality.
- Program Goals:
• Evaluate results of blood and imaging tests.
• Assess the risks and benefits of relevant diagnostic procedures.
• Understand the rationale for the selection and use of treatment modules.
• Select appropriate medications and usual dosing regimens.
• Learn the interpretation of the results of blood/imaging studies.
• Master the physical diagnostic skills necessary to be an effective physician. - Clinical Competencies:
• Learn to do a directed history and physical examination.
• The student should be able to evaluate a patient with infectious disease and propose the diagnosis and a plan for management.
• The student should be able to effectively use the biopsy tests, other pathology laboratories, and radiology and understand the results provided.
• The student should be able to critically interpret the medical literature and research data.Rotation Block: Four Weeks
- Rotation Schedule:
Time: 8:00 pm to 5 pm (CST)
• Patient Rounds (3-4 hours daily)
• Lectures Series (Weekly)
• Student Presentations (Weekly)
• Individual Case Studies - Letter of Recommendation (LOR): Yes, a performance-based LOR is granted
- Letterhead for LOR: Physician
- Application Requirements:
1. Medical Degree or Medical School Transcript
2. Letter from the Medical School Dean (ONLY for Medical Students)
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. USMLE Step Exam Scores (If taken)
5. ACLS/BLS or CPR Training Card
6. Malpractice Insurance
7. Personal Health Insurance Card
8. Photo ID: Driver’s License, Social Security Card, Green Card; Passport (for non-US-citizens)
9. Student Evaluation Form (if required by the Medical School)
10. Physical Exam (no older than 1 year)
11. 10-panel Drug Test (no older than 6 months)
12. Immunization Documents: Scanned lab report of Titers (no older than 1 year)
13. Flu Shot (during the flu season)
14. 2-Step PPD (no older than 6 months) or Interferon-Gamma Release Assay
15. A background check report (no older than 6 months)
16. Recent Photo (Headshot for ID badge)Include these documents in three files (two pdf and one jpg). The size of each file should not exceed 1000 KB
The first pdf should have all the documents from 1-8. Label the first pdf as “Application_[YOUR NAME]”
The second pdf should have all the documents from 10-15. Label the second pdf as “Onboarding_[YOUR NAME]”
Include your recent photo as a jpg file separately - Application Process:
❶ Review the application requirements, program details, and fee structure carefully.
❷ Email all the required documents (as two pdf files and one jpg file)* at [email protected]
❸ Mention your status and the program code subject of the email (‘Medical Student; Program Code:XXX’ or ‘Medical Graduate; Program Code:XXX’)
❹ In the body of the email mention your desired month and two alternative months.
❺ You will receive a confirmation AFTER your application is accepted (no fee is charged for the application).
❻ We will offer you one alternative rotation if your application is accepted but your desired month and rotation are not available.
❼ If accepted to the program, you will be forwarded the payment and rotation details.
❽ After the confirmation of payment, details of your rotation will be emailed to you within 3 days.*Maximum size of each file: 1000 KB
- City: Chicago
- State: Illinois
- Country: United States
- Availability: June, July, and August 2021
Fee: $750.00
- Rotation Schedule: